Mistress of the Sea by Crimson Fox


Disclaimer/Warning:  Sigh, by “popular” demand, here’s the rules for you guys.  This story contains sexual material that is suitable only for those 18 years or older.  Also, I don’t own Digimon, ‘kay.  And just so we’re clear, I own my stories, plots, etc.  Okay, that’s all for the disclaimer, on to the main event!


Author’s Note 1:  Kai, Takato’s cousin, is a character from one of the Tamers movies just in case you didn’t know.


Author’s Note 2:  Ranamon will be considered a champion level digimon in this story.




 “Ah, great day to be alive!” a young man proclaimed as he breathed in the salty air of the tranquil sea coast.


Gulls sang their seafaring cries as they flew above a somewhat short, young man of age fourteen.  The sun shone against his bronzed skin and short, dark brown hair as he walked down the sandy coast in the attire of a simple beachgoer, sandals and all.  A gentle breeze broke apart the humidity and made the summer day even more pleasant for the fishing community.  There was not a single, fluffy cloud in the sky to interrupt the bright sun as it rose to the eight o’ clock position.  The young man, Kai, prepared to have some fun on his day off, his family’s fishing business not needing his assistance this Saturday morning.  A jolly expression was upon his features, his demeanor as sunny as the weather.  The sounds of crashing waves greeted the teen to his right as he moved ahead towards his family’s dock of timber, and set his chocolate colored eyes to his target.  “Nothing like riding on the wave runner to start the day.”


The clop of Kai’s sandals joined the ruckus of the azure ocean as he went over to the white machine and hopped onto the slightly cushioned, blue seat.  Ensuring his safety prior to disembarking, Kai grabbed an orange life vest rested on the dock, untouched due to the lack of visitors to this part of the island.  Excitement filled his body as he could already feel the oncoming rush and spray of the ocean about him, his hand clutching a key he drew from his pocket after he snapped the black buckle of his life jacket.  Making sure not to cause an accident, Kai untied the rope holding the albino wave runner to land, before he set his sights on the open seas again.  With a turn of the ignition, the roar of the engine filled the boy’s ears as he put the pedal to the medal, rushing out of the dock with reckless abandon.  The breeze now blew past him with greater intensity, much to the relief of the slightly sweating mariner.  Droplets of salty aqua were thrown against the zooming vessel as the teen yelled out in delight as the Jet Ski cut through the waves of the Japanese waters.  It seemed to be another perfect summer day until…


“Man, water’s getting choppy and is that…fog?”


To Kai’s amazement, a large cloud of strange white mist arose from the sea as if out of nowhere.  He immediately started to turn, taking the rough waves and the unusual cloud as a bad omen.  Unfortunately, he was about to find out how right he was.  “HOLY SHIT!!!” he shrieked as he saw a large sea serpent leap out of the water, showing off it’s red scaled form before submerging back into vast oceans.


Panic and a drumming in his heart afflicted Kai as he sent the wave runner to maximum speed in a vain attempt to avoid the creature.  Fear and sweat crept across his whitening skin as he thought of the many ways the odd, but indefinitely fearsome monster could rip apart his body.  Despair crawled down his spine as he felt the waves become intolerable again, the emergence of the green haired serpent eminent.  Memories flashed through Kai’s mind, about his family, the adventures he had at sea, the time he helped save the world with his cousin Takato and the digimon, and so much more.  With a great crash of aqua rushed up as the armor masked monster rose from the watery depths, flinging Kai off of his Jet Ski and harshly back to the ocean.  A sting went through the young man’s body as he made contact with the liquid from such a distance, nothing broken though that would seem not to matter in a moment.  Kai’s chocolate brown eyes sunk back as they watched the demonic, green haired creature swim over to his floating body, an insurmountable amount of anger and hunger in the creature’s beastly, crimson eyes.  The horned sea monster roared in fury as he advanced quickly towards the helpless human.  Helpless as he was though, Kai was going to struggle till the end as he attempted to swim out of the way.  The great maw of the sea snake however made Kai’s attempts meaningless as with one last leap the strange creature jumped out of the water and aimed his great orifice towards the fisherman’s son.  Hearing the sound of the monster’s great body falling, Kai turned back and saw the terrible, but certain truth.  He was going to be eaten.  With a crash back to the watery surface, the creature that had emerged from the fog had swallowed Kai as well as a decent amount of sea water.  Savagely thrown against the innards of the snake and shaken from this life-ending situation, it was no wonder Kai fell unconscious.




“Damn, remind never to go on that cruise again…ugh.” groaned Kai as he awake from his comatose state.


As his eyes opened, Kai realized he was lying on his back, the afternoon skies greeting him with a clear, blue sky.  His eyes shot open in disbelief as he asked himself, “Is this heaven or…well it can’t be the other place, no fire.”


He chuckled a little at the situation as he remembered what had happened and how his brutal demise seemed sure.  Yes, Kai laughed as he realized he was still alive, the world he was in still ordinary Earth, or at least as ordinary as it gets with…


“Digimon.  That thing, it had to be, it was just like Takato said, white fog and everything.” he said aloud while rising to a sitting position, though he quickly stopped as a dull throb rang through his body from the earlier thrashing.


“Guess I’m lucky he never learned to swallow, but where am I?  This sure isn’t my home island.” Kai realized as he looked at his surroundings.


The sun drenched its light across the area, revealing a lush plant life of vivid greens and a small shore of beige sand.  The teen looked about and saw only vast seas to his left and right, showing the piece of land was indeed cut off and isolated.  “Well, at least I’ve got my health.”


His jokes to look on the bright though could not cover up the turmoil encompassing his mind as he knew the truth that he was up the creek without a paddle, the odds of finding provisions to survive on this spit of land minimal.  A sigh was let out by the Kai as he decided to check his body for injuries from the red sea serpent.  Beside a few scratches and rips on his white t-shirt and green shorts and the loss of his sandals, everything seemed to be in order.  “Guess I better explore this place, maybe I can see something on the other side or at least find a bite.”


As if to accentuate the last remark, the growl of his empty belly became apparent, the young man not having a bite since breakfast and now the sun was at about four o’ clock.  With a slight groan of pain form his groggy and sore body, Kai arose from the beach to set off on a journey of the speck of land.  In the center and focus of the Pacific island was a brush of plant life, though there was nothing truly edible growing, not even coconuts to drain the milk from.  Things certainly seemed dismal as he the sun poking through the opposite end of the patch of tropical trees and brush, cutting through the shade he was in.  The other end seemed nearly identical except for one detail.  “Holy crap, someone’s in the water!”


The silhouette of a human shaped figure could be seen from the clear ocean in front of the teen, perhaps another victim of the terrible leviathan.  Not wasting a second, Kai ran down to the water, covering his bare feet in the drenched sand.  The current kept the mystery being within a close distance, allowing the young man to run over to the unconscious figure.  Without a moment to spare, the human hoisted the body in his arms, strong enough from labor to lift the body out of the water that was about his size.  Kai didn’t even bother to look at what he was carrying as he thought of only getting the drifting body to safety.  After a short run, he gently set the body down, but immediately took a few steps back as he realized just what he had been cradling.  The figure was not human, her smooth, sea green skin a clear give away.  Indeed, the trembling eyes of the seafarer could see that the figure was a female, beautiful yet strange and potentially dangerous.  Her body was indeed built for water, her sleek sea green skin aerodynamically designed for water.  A pair of fins was attached to her shapely hips as well as an additional two on her head that served as ears.  Thin, bluish-grey armor hugged most of her body, including all of her perfect curves.  Her tranquil face was still, the helmeted lass not making a move from were Kai had left.  Speaking of whom, Kai was still a little freaked out, but curious about the health of the frog maiden, Kai slowly crept towards the lying girl after drawing out some inner courage.  He could tell it was another digimon, the teen somewhat familiar with the digital beings since he had joined his cousin Takato to fight Memphismon.  Shivers ran down his backside as he recalled what had nearly happened to him with the digital serpent, but his concern for others drove him on.  After a few moments of cautious steps, Kai was again in front of the womon, his wide eyes taking in every detail of the unconscious girl.  “Damn, she’s hot.” he admitted as he looked intently on the cute face and developed body she had.


It was then though that he mentally slapped himself as he only just remembered to check her pulse, bending down to feel the champion’s slick scaled wrist.  A beat still pulsated through the delicate joint, the sign of life.  Before Kai could let go of the smooth green wrist however, the ruby red eyes of the sea warrior widened without warning.  “AHHH!!!” she cried with a harmonious, though obvious stressed voice as she shook Kai off of her arm and to the ground.


A thud rang out as he was thrown to the sandy earth by the obvious stronger digital creature.  “Ugh, you’re welcome.” he groaned as he spat out a mouthful of sand from his facedown position.


Quickly the frog maiden arose from the ground and shook her head almost in disbelief as she felt basically as Kai had as she asked, “I’m alive but how, that beast ate me.”


“Got me.  I just found you a few minutes ago.”  Kai replied anxiously as lifted his form off of the wet terra to turn to the new digimon.


After adjusting her shaken armor and blinking her eyes to get her “I see, well at least I’m free.  So, what’s your story, huh?”


Kai felt relieved as it seemed this digimon was one of the more sentient and friendly types or at least not intent on attacking him.  The drum of his heart slowed to its normal rhythm as he introduced himself.  “I’m Kai and I think I was in the same beast as you.  He just showed up out of nowhere, but I guess we’re lucky he just swallowed us.”


“Yeah, same here.  I was just out for a little swim and that MegaSeadramon just shows up and eats me, how rude!  At least he’s gone for now, name’s Ranamon by the way.” the womon explained in a voice as cute as her body.


“So you are a digimon, wow!” he said with wonder, the digital beings quite interesting, when they aren’t trying to make you their next meal of course.


“Well, what else would I be?  And what are you supposed to be uh…Kai?” the cute champion asked with her sweet voice, never seeing a human in her whole life like most digimon trapped within the boundaries of the digital world.


“A human, haven’t you ever heard of us?”


That word brought back a rumor Ranamon had heard once about the supposed real creators of the digital world, but when she looked at the thin teen that was slightly shorter than she, Ranamon was not impressed.  “Kinda ordinary if you ask me.”


A spark of anger circulated through the dark brown haired man’s veins as he huffed with a simple, “Hey!”


Giggles flew form the armored womon’s mouth as she laughed, “Chill out, sometimes it’s nice to be normal.  Besides you’re sorta cute.”


Just as easy as he had grown annoyed, Kai was now slightly blushing with a twinge of embarrassment.  “Heh, thanks you’re pretty cute too.”


Unlike Kai, Ranamon merely beamed a small smile as she looked about and questioned, “So is this Earth, considering you’re a human and all.”


“Yeah, it is, but if you could get me to land than I’d be happy to help meet some friends of mine, they and their digimon might be able to get you back to the digital world.” Kai suggested, wanting to help the womon while finding an easy way off the island.


“Nah, I think I’ll stick around Earth for a while, a change of scenery’s nice.  I could help you back to land though, wouldn’t be right to leave you here.” Ranamon said without a selfish intention, the frog maiden different from her counterpart from the Frontier dimension.


“Great, let’s go.”


Enthusiasm about being able to leave the isle flowed through his body until a sight out of the corner of his eye drained all of the hopefulness out of his once gleeful expression.  Kai pointed to the east as he shouted, “He’s back!”


Ranamon quickly turned her ruby gaze and also filled with dread, knowing her champion powers were no match for the ultimate snake.  “Why can’t anything be easy?”


“Can’t you beat him?” Kai answered in question, figuring the digital girl had some sort of attack.


A chuckle was let out by the aqua digimon as she knew the reality of the situation.  “Ha, I wish.  That thing’s far stronger than me and with him out there we can’t swim back to land right now.”


“Then were trapped.” Kai sighed, knowing fate had conspired against him.


“Nah, we just gotta wait till he takes a snooze.  Then we’ll sneak away.”  An aura of confidence seemed to surround the sea green champion as she explained her simple plan to Kai.


A nod of agreement came from the fisherman’s son, the simplest plans usually the best.  “Alright, I’m in, but until then let’s find some food.”


“Is that all men think about is food?” Ranamon sighed, remembering the indomitable appetites most male digimon possessed.


“Well, there’s also se…I mean uh.” he stammered, nearly blurting out the word of intercourse.


Ranamon wasn’t fooled though as she quipped, “You mean sex.”


Kai’s face crimsoned as a sheepish smile crossed his lips, the shame written all over.  “Guess you could say that.”


Rather than being enraged by the teens near vulgar remark, Ranamon let out a small string of giggles before saying, “I’ll go get us some fish,” changing the subject.


“Hey, I can catch some fish.  I am a fisherman after all.” Kai proclaimed with a sense of self-assurance.


The amphibious maiden only seemed to take the teen less seriously though as she joked, “Hmmm, a fisherman with no pole, hook, or bait in an ocean with all the fish scared away by MegaSeadramon.  I really see you bringing in a big haul.”


“Well same problem for you, how are you going to catch fish in an ocean without fish?” he argued, a little flustered by the digimon’s sarcasm.


“No problem, I can create a special ink that attracts fish no matter what.  We’ll have enough for a fish fry in no time.”


Despite the good news that declaration meant, a little thought was bugging Kai considering the type of digimon he was with.  “Wait a sec, wait a sec, aren’t you a fish digimon?  Won’t this make you a cannibal?”


“Excuse me!  I happen to be an amphibian and a lady, not a cannibal!  Get your facts straight!” she cried with a slap, leaving a pink handprint on Kai’s bronzed skin.


The skin stung with pain from the light smack the champion gave him as he held the spot hoping to comfort the tenderized area.  As he muttered profanities under his breath Ranamon returned to her usual cheery demeanor, a smirk painted on her lips.  “Now be a good boy and get a fire started.  I’ll be back in a while with the fish in no time, ‘kay.”


Only a grumble was emitted from the teen as he walked towards the brush to fulfill Ranamon’s request disgruntled.  This only seemed to add delight to the mischievous girl as she turned to the blue waters of the salty ocean and leaped in.  Meanwhile, Kai turned back towards the brush behind him and started gathering pieces of discarded firewood from the trees.  “Humph, what a crazy digimon.  One minute she gets pissed, and the next she acts like nothing happened.”


Despite being confused and a tad angry, Kai consented to continue building a fire, his hunger at the top of his list of needs.  Using whatever spare wood he could find and some dry grass from the thicket, Kai set up an area for the flame on the high end of the beach.  Despite having the proper materials for fuel though the teen realized there was a problem, “Dang, where’s a match when you need one?”


There was nothing on the island that could serve as a starting flame, besides a few spare sticks though that rustic method would take hours.  Kai hung his head down in defeat, his efforts a waste.  He threw his fist to the loose earth below in frustration before being greeted by a pool of bubbles rising from the ocean.  Without any other warning, Ranamon leaped form the watery depths wielding a trio of fish in each of her dainty, yet powerful hands, surprising the fisherman’s son with her skill.  “Jeez, that was quick!”


“Told ya I was the best.” she winked, liking the praise she was receiving.


Quickly though her ruby eyes could see there was no flame to cook her catch with.  “What no fire, what’s wrong?”


Kai shook his head as he sighed, “There’s no flint, matches, or nothing that can light it up quick.”


“Then I guess we’ll eat it raw.” Ranamon proclaimed without any disappointment as she dropped five of her fish on the beach.


The only one that remained was some sort of sea bass, dark green scales with a white underbelly, clutched in the amphibious maiden’s mitt.  With a lick of her lips she took a bite of the still fish, raw with its fresh juices draining down her throat with the meat and scales.  She seemed to have no problem eating the swimmer uncooked as her ravenous appetite left nothing but a small pile bones after a minute.  Kai’s jaw dropped to the floor as shock over the digimon’s devouring filled his body.  It was easy for the sea green champion to see the human’s surprise as she asked, “What?”


“You ate the whole thing and…damn.” he merely replied, not knowing how to respond.


The armored womon giggled at the human, thinking how humorous they were compared to digimon.  “Have’ta keep up my strength silly.  Now c’mon have a bite.” Ranamon suggested as she took one of the freshly caught fish and gave it to the young man, who took the fish with some reluctance.


“But I don’t have a knife to skin it or anything.”


“What’s a matter, just eat it, you’re not chicken are ya?”


Kai flashed a look of determination as he never turned down a challenge.  “Ha, just watch me.”


Looking down to his hands, Kai looked at the sea bass’s underbelly, his target.  He decided to make it quick, biting down on the tough exterior of the former denizen of the deep.  A miserable look crossed Kai’s chocolate colored eyes, the taste of the thick outer scales ghastly as he tried to tear through the tough skin and muscle of the fish, a daunting task as he was not a powerful digimon like Ranamon.  His white choppers barely made it through the flesh and meat as the sickly smell filled his nostrils.  Slowly he chewed the concoction of scale and muscle, a disheartened frown across his lips.  The taste plaguing his tongue matched his expression, the straight up fish not nearly as succulent as sushi despite the two both being raw fish.  With one hurried gulp, the slimy mixture slid down his esophagus and settled in his stomach, not at all pleasing to the digestive organ.  Kai dropped the fish to the wet sand below as he turned slightly white, the teen trying to stifle his potential sickness.  Ranamon seemed to take pleasure in pushing to young man’s buttons as she acted as if she did not notice.  “See, told ya it was good.  Say are you gonna finish that?”


As she pointed to the discarded fish, Kai shook his head as his skin grew paler.  He turned away, not wanting to watch Ranamon’s indomitable appetite out of fear of vomiting his meager dinner.  Kai closed his eyes and tried to focus on home and such, blocking out the sounds of Ranamon’s feasting.  Like the first fish, the rest were quickly stripped of everything but white bone.  His stomach growled despite the sickening lump already resting within, his body hungry but his tongue resisting out of fear of tasting another morsel of that scaly concoction.  Ranamon seemed delighted as she felt her stomach settle form the raw meat, but could tell Kai was not so fortunate.  “Oh, don’t pout.  I won’t let you starve.  Here, I cut one up for ya.”


She held out her smooth hands to reveal stripped, fresh fish meat, the edges torn but otherwise perfectly editable.  Kai greedily swiped the fish away and devoured the meat, far better without the tough scaly hide to contend with.  It wasn’t a full meal, but it would do for the teen as he finished the snack.  “Thank you, but how’d you cut it up without a knife?”


“A little bit of my special ink, the scales burn right off without ruining the meat.  Course I did it while I was in the water.” Ranamon replied as the sun started to set, the skies growing orange from the glow of the celestial body.


“Right…hey wait a sec, if you had it ready already why’d you let me bite down on that fresh one?”


“For fun.” she quipped while sticking her tongue out in mischief.


Kai’s eyes widened as he felt like a grade-A idiot for falling for the sea maiden’s trickery.  “Excuse me while I stick my head in the sand.”


Sympathy immediately struck the champion as she held the young man’s shoulder and tried to convince him not to feel shame.  “Aw, don’t feel bad.  You humans aren’t as bad as our Sovereign says.”


“Sovereign?” Kai questioned, distracted by the new enigma.


“Yeah, our hot-heated god who eats and sleeps, “The humans will destroy us, don’t trust them, blah, blah, blah!”  But at least based on you, humans seemed to only be…well ridiculous.”


“Gee, thanks a lot.” retorted the fisherman’s son as he took it as an insult and prepared to walk away again.


However, Ranamon saw it differently as she revealed, “But that’s okay, I like guys that are a little silly.”


Kai stopped and turned back to Ranamon, who was still holding his shoulder, and looked into her ruby eyes.  “How do I know that’s not another trick?”


All the brown-hair could see was a sly smirk on the aqua digimon before she leaned forward for a kiss, latching on to Kai’s lips.  Pink spread across Kai’s features as he was a little taken back by the sudden smooch, but he did not break the kiss.  The human closed his eyes as he focused on the beautiful figure and face of the womon before him.  Ranamon as well as drew all her attention to the man who stood about eye level to her.  It felt like magic to the teen, the waves of passion forcing his heart to beat with greater intensity as he reached for her shoulders to pull her in closer.  Together they swapped saliva, both enthralled by the union of their lips, smooth skin against slick scales.  While Kai wrapped his arms about her shoulders, Ranamon clutched the fisherman’s midsection, pulling herself closer to the seafarer.  Her cold-blooded body reveled under the heat of warm-blooded human, comforting to say the least for the aqua champion.  Despite her enjoyment though, she broke up the kiss and embrace after about a minute to take in a breath. “How’s that for an answer?”


It seemed Kai had awoken from a daze at that moment as he took a step back and spat out, “You’re crazy, you know that?”


“Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.”


At this point his mind was unsure what to make of Ranamon’s spontaneous act, part of him beating himself over what he had done while the other seemed to support the romantic gesture.  He was torn in two.  “Well…uh…”


“Thought so.  Hey check that out!” she pointed with a shout while looking behind Kai at the sunset painted above the ocean, a picturesque scene of oranges, pinks, and yellows.


(“Sigh, I’ll never understand women, especially this one.”) he thought as looked at the source of Ranamon’s excitement.


The amphibious maiden had a cheery look in her eyes and lips as she said, “I just love sunsets, don’t you?”


“They’re nice I guess.” he uttered with a bit of indifference before directing his gaze at Ranamon and wondering how he got into this mess and pondered how it was going to end.


“Still down, huh.  Don’t worry, I’ll get you home.”


Kai could detect a slightly different tone in those last words, perhaps a scene of true sincerity to them before responding, “But what then, what will you do?”


“Guess I’ll just travel like I always do.  I don’t have any family and I never stick around long enough to really make any friends.” Ranamon answered with a sense of sorrow, a somewhat sore subject revisited.


“You must get lonely…maybe when we get to land you can stay at my place for a little while.  My uncle’s near blind and my parents are on a huge fishing tour for a while.”


This touched the digimon’s heart, kindness being a rare gift for the girl.  “That would be great.  I still need to get used to this world anyways…and get to know you humans better.”


She seemed to put emphasis on that last part, Kai chucking like fool from the cute digimon.  “Heh heh, sure, but we still have to wait for that sea snake to catch some Z’s.”


“Hmmm…” Ranamon replied as she went towards the salty seas, her huge finned ears twitching before she announced, “You know, I think he’s asleep now.  The ocean seems peaceful.  Now’s our chance to get away from big, stupid, and ugly.”


“No arguments from me.  Let’s get the hell out of here.” Kai anxiously agreed, ready to leave the island posthaste.


With an agile leap, the frog womon dove into the blue oceans before her head emerged.  “Come over here and hang on.”


“Wait, how do you know where we’re going?”


“Relax, this may be a different world, but I still know my way around water.  Now get over here, for all we know MegaSeadramon’s only napping.”  Her tone was now serious, the champion digimon understanding the limited window of opportunity they had.


“Right.”  And with that Kai ran into the deep, meeting with Ranamon and taking his position on her back.


His human body was unable to fight the strong ocean currents, but Ranamon’s control of water gave her the edge in the somewhat cool, oceanic terrain.  She swiftly swam using the breaststroke while Kai made sure to stay safely secure to the marine womon.  The teen took a look back as they went on their way, seeing the small isle he had stayed on for the afternoon slowly shrink from view.  As the surroundings became nothing but ocean he thought aloud, “I wonder how long it will take.”


“Maybe an hour if we keep at this pace.”


Kai only nodded his head, the wish to return home growing closer.  With nothing in sight, the teen focused his sights on the womon who was rescuing him, hearing the sounds of rhythm her arms were making along with the noise of her breathing in the salty air about.  Despite the puzzling demeanor she possessed, he couldn’t help but be intrigued by the whimsical beauty.  The seas seemed peaceful as they moved along, only the light thrashing of the waves present.  Peace is not eternal however.  As they cut through the troughs of the vast ocean, it became apparent the waves were increasing in strength, the height of their amplitude expanding.  “This is odd, there’s no sign of a storm.” observed Kai as he looked to the slowly darkening skies, not a cloud hovering above.


“Uh oh, you don’t think…” Ranamon started, fearing the worst.


“I think it is.  Quick, we have to get to land!”


As they conversed over the potential danger, a fury of bubbles formed from behind with a great silhouette rising.  Ranamon vigorously sped forward with Kai barely hanging on, making a small gap between them and their pursuer.  Despite their best efforts though, nothing could stop the great beast’s emergence.  Leaping from the deep, MegaSeadramon arose with a red anger in his eyes, matching the crimson scales of his serpentine figure.  As if to announce his presence to the whole Pacific, he roared with a deafening intensity.  A lust for blood and nourishment was his only desire as he sprayed his prey with a new slew of waves from his jump from the sea.  Ranamon turned her head and realized there was no escape now that the ultimate digimon has revealed himself, pretending to be asleep or away to lure them into a trap.  “Kai, he’s going to catch us at this rate…” Ranamon started as she saw the leviathan make a clear cut path towards them, “…but maybe I can scare him off.  Can you swim?”


“Yeah, but I…”


He didn’t get a chance to explain he was at the mercy of the ocean’s current as Ranamon threw him off to face the demonic digimon that threatened to devour the two.  He raised his armored, green haired cranium, towering over the sea maiden that dared to oppose him.  There was almost no sign of light left in the skies as he approached his quarry, the darkness and the twinkle of stars now painted across the atmosphere.  Growls of unprovoked anger slipped from MegaSeadramon’s great maw as he flashed his twin rows of razor sharp teeth, the white choppers ready to strike.  In order to face him, Ranamon used her power to control water to raise a pillar of aqua below her, matching up with the midpoint of the creature’s white plated, chest scales.  With a shout of foolish bravery she cried, “I won’t let you go any further!  DRAINING RAIN!!!”


With a thrush of her focused hands, a dark cloud instantly took shape in the clear night skies above from near nothingness.  Acidic rain started to pour from the black puff, pointed straight for the sea monster.  The painful droplets of water struck all over the ultimate’s body, causing him to wince slightly from the powerful champion’s attack, but overall shake it off.  His ultimate hide was more than adequate protection against a champion’s attack as his leathery body deflected the attack without so much as a scratch.  The strike had in truth only done one thing, intensify the berserk nature dwelling in MegaSeadramon’s body, the anger so thick you could cut it with a knife.  With a jerk of his great neck, he lunged his horned head towards Ranamon, the frog womon barely jumping off of her water pillar in time.  As Ranamon tried in vain to hold off the ultimate level digimon, Kai had his own burdens to deal with, the teen struggling to stay afloat.  Large waves washed over him, the digimon’s melee stirring the seas all about him.  Regardless of his perils though, he kept an eye on Ranamon, the fisherman concerned for her safety as he watched her dodge the serpent’s attacks.  Ranamon was doing everything in her power just to defend, MegaSeadramon not allowing any opportunities to attack now as he savagely struck again and again until…


“THUNDER JAVELIN!!!” he roared, the words barely coherent between his beastly bellows.


A spiral of golden lightning swirled about his great horn, as the leviathan opened his jaw of daggers wide.  A glow could be seen, illuminating the back of his throat before it radiated into a blinding shine.  With nothing to hold it back, a ray of pure electricity shot across the air, aimed for Kai as MegaSeadramon decided to go for the easier prey first.  For the second time today Kai felt his life pass before his eyes, the teen knowing he could not escape the blast due to the control the ocean’s current had on him.  His chocolate orbs reflected the image of his executioner and the fate that was quickly approaching.  Ranamon could see the danger at hand and on instinct rushed to save Kai, diving in front of the thunderous column of energy.  She screeched in pain as her body was flung from the burst dealt to her midsection, her armor only mildly protecting her from the assault.  With a dead plop, she fell into the ocean just behind Kai, motionless.  “RANAMON!!!” Kai cried as he held on to her still body, her eyes only half open.


“I guess this is it, huh.  Well, at least I got to meet you.” she said with a cough, the data about her body starting to blur form instability.


“No…no, it can’t end like this.”  Kai held Ranamon’s hand tightly as if begging with every once of strength not to give in.


MegaSeadramon looked down to the sea maiden, pausing his attack, knowing her data would soon be floating towards him.  The sea dragon was forgotten for the moment by Kai however, who pleaded to Ranamon, “Please, you can’t go, you just can’t.”


“We all have to go sometime, guess our time’s just up.  I’m sorry I couldn’t get you home.” she apologized as he voice grew fainter.


Tears were now cascading his cheeks, the fisherman feeling guilty that she had thrown away her life for his even if it was for only a few minutes.  A desperate anger grew in his heart, his soul containing sorrow for the aqua champion and hatred for the beast that threatened them.  He turned to the waiting MegaSeadramon who had a look of satisfaction across his scaly lips.  The human had a look of defiance across his features as he uttered, “No.  You didn’t do a thing.  It’s him, that monster, but he won’t win.  I won’t be a coward anymore.  I’ll protect you this time.”


“Kai, don’t be an idiot.  You think you can take him on, by yourself, you can barely stay afloat.” she uttered with weakness, her data barely settled back into one piece again, narrowly avoiding deletion.


“Of course not, but if I distract him, maybe you can get away.”  With that, Kai let go of the womon’s hand, seeing she was in a critical condition, but not quite at death’s door yet.


“No, I won’t let you.  He’ll tear you apart.” Ranamon argued, as she held on to Kai’s clammy hand, the water about them nearly as frigid as it was tense in the air.


“Ranamon, you nearly sacrificed yourself for me, now it’s my turn.”  Kai tried to shake off the digimon’s webbed mitt, but the sea green digimon was determined to make her stand.


“No, I’m staying!”


The tone of her voice seemed final and Kai’s mind was as well made up despite the fear looming in his body and heavy drumming of his heart.  With a small laugh, hardly appropriate for the situation, he chuckled, “Then I guess we go down together.”


As they made up their mind, MegaSeadramon’s patience had run out, seeing as how Ranamon had not split into data as his primitive mind had once thought.  Ready to attack again under the influence of his bottomless appetite for power and nourishment, the crimson serpent swam swiftly towards the two, advancing without delay.  The duo braced for impact as they saw the aqua dragon’s mouth open, the darkness within seemingly infinite.  With their last moments of the outside world, Kai shouted into the starlit night, resisting till the end.  Ranamon held him tightly as she stared at the razor sharp rows of teeth looming ahead.  MegaSeadramon’s eyes were blood red as he was about to devour the two.  It was then that what was no less than a miracle occurred.  From Kai’s tattered jean pocket, a piercing light shone, stopping the data class digimon in his watery tracks.  He hissed at the holy radiance as he closed his gruesome orbs from the beam and made just a little distance between him and the two, but still remained close enough to attack when ready.  Kai on the other hand, searched his pocket to find the source of their temporary savior, feeling a couple of objects which had mysteriously placed themselves within.  The light dimmed to reveal in his right hand none other than a turquoise colored D-Power, the D-Power being a digital device that bonds a human to a digimon and provides the gateway for a digimon to gain more power.  In his other hand, Kai held a strange blue card with an even stranger symbol of a golden D and dinosaur digimon in the middle.  With as much surprise and curiosity as the teen, Ranamon asked with renewed strength, “I’m better but how and what is that stuff?”


“A card and a digivice, but that means…”


But before Kai could explain, MegaSeadramon let loose a resonating snarl, the sea monster growing impossibly annoyed with his prey.  Ranamon knew she had to get into action again as she let go of Kai and used her influence on water to elevate herself to make an attack.  Kai knew this would turn out badly as he cried up, “Ranamon, what are you doing?!  You can’t beat him like this!”


“I’ve got to try and I’m not running away!  DARK VAPOR!!!”  At once, her mouth produced a shot of thick ink, likely what she had used to attract the fish earlier.


The acidity of the black goop had no effect on MegaSeadramon unfortunately, shaking off the ebony splatter as he began another physical assault on the sea womon.  Kai could only look on from the sidelines and think, (“There has to be something I can do, but I don’t have any modify cards like Takato or the others have.  Only this weird blue one.”)


As he thought of his limited options, Ranamon squealed as Kai saw he body fly by, swatted by MegaSeadramon’s reptilian tail.  It was then Kai’s mind was made up.  He didn’t know what would happen, but his last hope for saving Ranamon was riding on the blue card he knew nothing about.  Time seemed to stop as he slid the azure card through the D-Power’s slot, a light shining as it passed the narrow slit.  The card vanished into a small puff of blue data, but it went unnoticed as something far more pressing held Kai’s attention.  Time seemed to standstill as he stared at Ranamon who was now beginning to glow from where she was laying from MegaSeadramon’s backlash.  While he stared at the armored champion, the screen of his turquoise D-Power now read one word “digivolution”.  As the screen grew brighter, so did Ranamon as her body levitated above the watery surface, all from the power of the light.  A flash rang out across the dark Pacific as Ranamon felt new strength, the power to advance to the next level.




The champion’s body was rapidly changing as from the waist down was maturing and turning purplish, complete with a new set of silver armor and a pointed helmet covering long purple hair.  The lower half took the most dramatic change though, her legs fused into one and grew to form a large squid shape, upside down to give the illusion that Calmaramon was sticking out what appeared to be its mouth.  All in all, she had the look of sea witch with no signs of her former cute charm.  That didn’t matter at the moment though as she faced MegaSeadramon in her new body.  They were now equal in power level, but this was Ranamon’s first time being Calmaramon, the womon having the disadvantage of inexperience.  However, she had motivation as she looked down to her newfound partner Kai, who looked at her with awe.  Calmaramon then looked to her opponent now who roared with fury, much to her own disgust.  “Yeah, yeah, roar, roar, why don’t ya put a cork in it?!  ACID INK!!!”


Two of the white tentacles of her ultimate class body rose, aiming their suction cups at the serpent who was heading forward with no plan but to make a head on attack.  It would be the first mistake he would regret as a stronger version of Dark Vapor was fired straight at the armored skull of the crimson scaled dragon.  A bellow of pure agony echoed through the night, the Acid Ink had gotten into MegaSeadramon’s eyes.  He thrashed back and forth in blinded fury, his ability to see taken as he eyes melted from the burning mixture.  Without even taking a second to focus, he started launching Thunder Javelins randomly from his colossal mouth, weaker without concentration but still strong never the less.  Calmaramon was forced to back away and use her tentacles to defend herself from the shock blasts.  “Damn, this guy just doesn’t get a clue!”


Kai, who was still watching the fight between staying afloat in the ocean’s currents, had an idea.  “Rana…I mean Calmaramon, don’t you have a finishing move or something?”


Calmaramon chuckled with out looking at her tamer, as if the question was a joke.  “Of course, I just wanted to give ol’ lizard breath a fightin’ chance…”


(“Oh boy, power’s gone straight to her head.”) Kai thought with a sigh, considering what a threat the serpentine digimon had been only moments ago.


“…but I guess I am gettin’ bored, TITANIC TEMPEST!!!”


Ready to put the marine digimon of his misery, Calmaramon swirled her body about like a tornado, her calamari tentacles sticking out to lash MegaSeadramon into oblivion.  Blinded by rage and lack of eyesight, the ultimate only thrashed about, unaware of the sea witch’s final attack.  Her body was like a maelstrom, the purples of her body now a blur as she made contact with her target.  A string of slaps rang out as the red dragon was beaten again and again until he was reduced to a cloud of data which Calmaramon absorbed, happy about her victory over the spiteful creature.  A soothing aura encompassed the sea witch’s form as the data healed and reenergized her body.  Kai in the meantime was ecstatic that his digimon had overcome the green haired snake as he shouted in praise, “Nice one!”


A confident smirk was on Calmaramon’s lips as a blinding white light glowed from her body, her body shrinking back into the cute Ranamon.  With a bit of smugness she said, “Pretty good, huh?”


“You bet.”


Indeed, Kai was impressed by his newfound partner, though he was still concerned about their condition.  “Say Ranamon, do you have enough energy to get us to land.”


“Yep, just leave it to me.  I made sure to dedigivolve early so I’d have some leftover energy.”


Kai nodded his head in acknowledgement before swimming over, using the direction of the current, to Ranamon.  She turned around in anticipation of her passenger again, though a nagging thought still bothered her and for good reason.  “Say Kai, what is that thing you have in your hand anyways?”


Amidst the battle that had taken place, Kai had nearly forgotten about the turquoise colored D-Power he had grasped in his hand.  As he clung to Ranamon’s shoulders in order to return to land, the teen considered the question carefully in order to answer it properly.  Since he had met with his cousin Takato as well as two of the other Tamers, Rika and Henry, in a previous adventure, Kai had seen and found out about the digivice.  “Well, it means we’re partners.”


“Partners?  Uh, mind givin’ me the details?”


Kai took a sigh as he knew she was going to want more than just that.  “I’m not one-hundred percent sure about everything mind you, but it means that were supposed to work together to stop evil digimon like that last guy.  It was this device that helped you digivolve, well that and the card that disappeared when I swiped it.”


“Yeah, it was so amazing, though that form was a little nasty,” she said with a shiver before continuing with, “Anyways, so by partners you mean a team.  Hmmm, sure you don’t mean more?”


From atop Ranamon, Kai had a small pink blush across his face as he stuttered in embarrassment.  “…Uh…uh…of course not, I mean you’re pretty and all and…and…”


Ranamon was having a ball, nearly having a giggle fit as she released how easily she was pressing Kai’s different buttons and emotions.  “Aw you think I’m pretty, that’s sweet.  You’re cute too, handsome.”


It was a marvel that Kai wasn’t exploding from bashfulness at that moment as he only chuckled like an idiot, “Heh, heh, heh.”


Indeed, it was nearly hook, line, and sinker as Ranamon said in a nonchalant tone, “You know sometimes partner can mean boyfriend.”


Kai nearly died right there, as he spat out on instinct, “Are you insane?!”


“C’mon, I know you like me.”


Despite the cool weather this summer night at sea, sweat was beginning to crawl across his brow, Ranamon slowly driving him into a corner.  In truth, Kai was shy about his feelings and about what everyone would think if they found out that he had a digimon, let alone one that had a crush on him.  Out of fear, the teen tried to take the easy way out by mentioning, “Ranamon, I don’t think it’s right, I mean you’re a digimon and I’m a human.”


“It’s not nice to lie Kai.  Now come on, tell me what you really think.” Ranamon replied, able to see through the fisherman’s deception.


At that moment, Kai slapped his forehead before grasping Ranamon’s shoulder for support again.  (“Damn, figures she’s as smart as she is sexy.”)


Kai was desperately trying to think of an excuse, his mind knowing the moral conflicts crossbreeding romance held.  Luckily or unfortunately if one were consider both sides, land could now be seen in the distance, revealed by the looming lighthouse and the dark piercing beam it held.  “Hey look, land!”


Ranamon followed Kai pointed finger to indeed see the towering lighthouse, knowing she was right.  “See, what did I tell you?  I got you home in one piece.”


“Yeah, hard to believe it’s been less than a day.  Feels like forever.” admitted Kai as he saw the gap between them and sweet, sweet land close.


“I’ll say, I…oh, you mean boy.  Nice try.  I know what you’re trying to do.”


A sheepish smile was plastered to Kai as he tried to seem innocent.  “Heh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


Giggling was the instant reply from Ranamon as she declared, “Kai, you’re a terrible liar.  Why can’t you be honest with me?”


“Sigh, I…  Can we continue this when we get home.” the teen suggested, wanting to at least be in a safe environment for this type of conversation.


“Fine, but don’t think you’re off the hook.”


“Funny it’s usually the fisherman catching the fish not the other way around.”


“Well first, you just have to have the right bait.  And second, I’m no fish.” Ranamon answered as she turned around to give Kai a cute wink.


Kai then remembered how she had slapped him for calling her a fish instead of an amphibian.  “Right, an amphibian and a lady.”


“Good boy, now you mind gettin’ off, we can walk from here.”


The white shore was now in view and close, lit under the dim radiance of the celestial bodies above.  While Kai unlatched himself from Ranamon, the champion womon felt the loose earth below her with her dainty, bare feet.  As Ranamon took her time, Kai decided to run out of relief, rushing out of the water and kissed the terra firma considering he had nearly been marooned after being eaten and then almost devoured a second time.   This of course only fueled Ranamon’s opinion of humans being ridiculous as she said in a mocking tone, “If you’re done being a drama queen, how about you show me where you live?”


Kai lifted his head and looked straight into Ranamon’s ruby eyes, “Excuse me for being a little excited about being back on land.  Anyways just follow me, but be quiet.  Last thing I need to do is to get my uncle all excited.”


The brown-haired teen arose from the beach and started to walk towards a small path leading further inland.  Ranamon was quick to follow as she took a position right next to Kai amidst the trees after feeling the soft sand between her bare toes.  “Wait, what about your parents and why do you want me to be quiet.”


“They’re still on a fishing voyage and well the other thing, you see digimon aren’t exactly fully accepted around Earth.  In fact, most see you all as a threat.”  he said with regret, wishing the latter statement had been a lie.


“That’s terrible, but I at least know one guy that knows the truth.”


Trying to get close to Kai again, the sexy womon grasped the human’s hand, which generated from Kai, “Not this again, Ranamon you…”


“Hey, is that your house?” she interrupted as a one story structure could be seen through the shadows of the trees about them.


“Yeah, now be quiet.  My uncle’s still here and I don’t need him to get a heart attack.”


“Right, quiet as a mouse.  Super spy Ranamon is on it.” the champion digimon said with a wink.


A slap of the forehead followed from Kai, his digimon energetic in spirit to say the least.  “You are one strange girl, you know that?”


“If I’m strange than you’re insane, silly boy.”


Kai merely shook his head as he decided it was best just to leave it at that.  The lights were on in the house, but Kai could see through the window that no one was in the living room.  (“Okay, now we just have to be quick and fast, then no one will be the wiser.”)


He quickly lifted the green welcome mat now in front of him to reveal a small key, which he readily grabbed and opened the door.  So far not a sound was made, only the light patter of their footsteps, but it seems Kai’s plan was not perfect.


“Kai, get in here and bring that girl with you.” a somewhat raspy voice commanded from beyond the sitting room.


“Damn, busted.  I’d like to know how he hears so well when he’s half blind.” wondered Kai as he slowly trudged to the kitchen.


A tap on the shoulder made him look at Ranamon who still seemed to some hope.  “Wait if he’s half blind, maybe he won’t notice.”


Kai could barely stifle his laughter as he had to admit, “You have a point there, he is the guy who thought Guilmon was a talking dog.”


“I heard that!” the elderly uncle bellowed as Kai emerged in the kitchen.


With his wooden cane he gave Kai a good wallop on the head as he explained, “That’s for coming home so late and for that ridiculous look.  Tattered clothing, what will they kids think of next, I swear,” before looking behind his nephew and said to Ranamon without any apparent shock, “Thank you for bringing Kai home, it’s nice to see he can meet a nice girl.”


“Yep, somebody’s gotta keep him line.”


Relief came over Ranamon as she realized that the old man’s eyesight was indeed faint and retrograde.  Meanwhile, a red streak of anger was painted on the teen’s face as he spat out, “Gee, thanks a lot.”


“Aw, you’re welcome, hon.” the mischievous womon answered, knowing full well she was egging him on.


“Ha ha, yep she’s a keeper.  Now you two sit down, I made plenty.” the elder announced as Kai and Ranamon took some seats, Kai still a little soar.


“Ergh, she’s not my girlfriend.”


“Don’t pay attention to him, Kai’s a big tease.” giggled the aqua maiden as she snuck for a quick peck on the lips, as if to further disorient the young man.


A cackle was let loose by the old fisherman as he went about the kitchen, which also served as a dining room of sorts.  Light from a small chandelier above was reflected by the green walls covered by cabinets and all manner of kitchen conveniences.  In the focus of the room of course was the timber made table, which the duo sat at.  While Ranamon was trying to figure out what the old man making them, Kai whispered, “What are you doing?”


“You’re so cute when you play hard to get.” she whispered right back, as the bald, thin uncle returned with a large plate of steaming chicken and rice for each.


“I’m not playing hard to get.” Kai replied after thanking his uncle for the dish he started to quickly consume.


“You’re a terrible liar, but that’s okay I know how you really feel.”


“Ha ha, this reminds of how your dad and mom were when they were kids.” chuckled the elderly angler as he reminisced about the past.


By this point, Kai’s face was completely flushed with pink, the teen wishing he could disappear.  “C’mon unc, you’re making look…I mean nobody wants to hear about that.”


“It’s okay shy boy, I want a tour of your house anyways.”


With that Ranamon finished the simple, but filling meal and was prepared to leave until the elder declared, “You got a healthy appetite there lass, but won’t you have some ice cream.”


Kai was almost bowled over as Ranamon jumped up from her seat with glee.  “Ice cream, oh my god!  I love that stuff!”


“What is it with girls and ice cream?” pondered Kai as he finished the rest of his chicken and rice.


Ranamon stuck her tongue out at Kai, while the experienced fisherman set a bowl of strawberry ice cream before her.  In the blink of an eye it was gone, Ranamon gorging herself on the sweet dessert.  With a lick of her lips and respectful bow she thanked her host before turning to Kai and saying, “Great you’re done, now show me around.”


“Okay, as long you stay away from ice cream.”


“Ha, nothing gets between me and ice cream.  Unless you’d like to prove me wrong…” she challenged, still trying to get Kai to open up.


“Just follow me.” Kai sighed, as he took the plates to the sink.


“Humph, you’re no fun.” Ranamon huffed in a sarcastic tone.


Before Kai could argue in defense a snoring rang out in the room, Kai’s uncle had fallen asleep in his chair.  Ranamon had a puzzled look in her eye as she asked, “Hey, what’s with gramps.  He just fell asleep like that.”


Ranamon snapped her fingers as she finished, but Kai already knew full well what had happened.  “Yep, it’s 9:58.  Old faithful here always drops at 9:58.”


“And you say us digimon are strange.”


“Hey, don’t put me in same boat as him.  Now come on, you wanted a tour, I’ll give you one.”


Taking Kai’s offer, Ranamon arose from her seat to join Kai, both letting the elder sleep away in his chair.  He showed around the two-story home, rich with long history of fishermen and women in Kai’s family.  The wooden halls were adorned with all sorts of old photos and angling memorabilia such as fishing trophies and ancient poles.  Ranamon had never so many wondrous objects in her life, the ordinary human objects foreign to the digital world she came from.  Eventually, Kai reached the end of the tour, his room.


“Kewl!”  Ranamon cried as she poked around the teen’s room, touching and poking at some of the delicate technology in the room.


“Hey, don’t you’ll…too late.” sighed Kai, as Ranamon managed to bust his worn-out boom box with her playful antics, a cloud of sparks being unleashed before the musical machine fell dead.


The cute champion knew she had better stay from any more of the gizmos in the room as she crimsoned.  “Sorry, I’ll sit on the bed.”


Ranamon took a seat on the blue sheeted bed, followed shortly by Kai.  “It’s okay.  It was a piece of junk anyways.”


With nod of acknowledgement, the champion decided to take off her helmet to reveal a head of shoulder length hair, dark green like seaweed.  “Knew you couldn’t stay mad at little ol’ me, so anyways you said we were going to have a little talk.”


The added element only made this conversation a more daunting task for Kai, the teen still intrigued by the gorgeous creature.  “Right, now Ranamon, it’s great that you like me…” Kai started before being interrupted by the aqua champion.


“Not what I wanted to hear, but it’s a start.”


“Can I finish?” asked the teen as he flashed a slight scowl.


Ranamon refocused her attention as her lovely ruby eyes stared into Kai’s chocolate orbs.  Seeing he had the womon’s attention again, the fisherman continued.  “Thanks.  Listen, I do…like you, but it can’t work...”


“Not with that attitude.” interrupted the armored lady, trying to peel away the deceit and reveal the truth.


Kai was determined to end it before it went too far as he argued, “But don’t you see that we’re too different.”


“Like any couple is perfect.” rebutted the dark haired digimon.


The brown-haired tamer shook his head, trying to avoid the girl’s advances.  “Why do you like me anyways?”


“Aw, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.  You’re cute, and it’s fun to press your buttons.  ‘Kay now what do you think of me?” questioned Ranamon, as she brushed her hair with her dainty webbed hands to rid herself of helmet hair.


“Sigh, Ranamon, I do think you’re cute but you’re a digimon and I’m a human.”


“Yeah, I know Captain Obvious.  Your point.” sniggered the ruby-eyed maiden, acting as if it made no matter.


“It’s…forbidden…” Kai stuttered as if trying in vain to hold something back.


“That’s what makes it so romantic, besides you already saw we’re a great team.”


Shivers were running through the boy’s skin, a pang going through his heart.  He punched the mattress below him, frustrated by the war waging in his soul.  “Please, this isn’t easy.”


“You know, you should listen to your heart and not that silly head of yours.” advised Ranamon, still convinced she knew how he felt.


“I…I just don’t know what to do.”


“Then I’ll help you decide.”


Taken by surprise, Kai found himself caught in a lip lock with the sexy digmon again.  His eyes were as wide as saucers, but he did not break the kiss as he felt the digimon wrap her slick arms about his waist.  Vigorously Kai’s heart drummed, his body feeling light as air.  Slowly he melted into the passionate display, swapping saliva with the dark-haired digimon, her smooth lips like magic against his.  Together they shared an inner warmth, shivers of ecstasy circulating through their bodies, one organic and one data.  The couple had their eyes closed, each thinking of only the other.  Time seemed to slow to a standstill as they tasted each other, addicted to the true happiness was fluttering in their chests, both knowing the honest truth.  The stars twinkled from the window behind them, as majestic as their passion before they separated to breathe.  Pants filled the room, each filling their chest with fresh air and taking in what they had done.  Ranamon was the first to speak as she asked, “So, do you know now?”


“Ranamon…I do…I love you.”


“And I you, Kai.  See aren’t you glad I was right?”


Indeed Kai did feel better as if a weight had been lifted off his chest.  “Yeah, but what are we going to do now.  If one word slips about this we’re toast.”


“Don’t worry, one step at a time, right?”


Kai just shook his head, believing in her hopefulness before answering, “Heh, you’re just full of spirit aren’t you?”


“Better believe it, but…” Ranamon yawned before continuing, “…even I need my beauty rest, good night.”


With that, the aqua champion went to the end of the bed and crawled into the dark blue covers, which made Kai sputter, “Hey, where do expect me to sleep?!”


“Guess it’s the floor with you.”  Ranamon stuck her tongue out at Kai as she spread herself under the soft, comfortable sheets while Kai stood over the mattress from the side.


“No way!  You expect me to sleep on the floor, in my own house!”


“Well, there’s always plan B.  You could sleep with me.” the mischievous digimon said with a giggle, still caught up in the fun of pushing Kai’s limits.


It seemed her aim was met as the young fisherman’s jaw hit the floor figuratively.  Indeed the expression of shock on his face was priceless as he barely uttered, “You just want me to go insane, don’t you?”


“Aw, now you’ve gone and hurt my feelings.  How could you even think that?” she whimpered, watering her eyes on command.


“Nice try, you aren’t fooling me this time.”


A huff was released by the armored champion, displeased she had been found out.  “Humph, you’re no fun.”


“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.  (Damn her games.)” Kai thought as he regrettably apologized.


“Hahaha, good boy.  Now, come on, you don’t have to sleep on the floor, we can share this bed.”


Her suggestion was indeed valid, the simple but relaxing spread had room for two.  While Kai had his moral givens about such a situation he assumed Ranamon was just being generous.  “Fine, but let me lock the door.  If somebody walks in here with you in the bed, you can imagine what they would think.”


“Oooh Kai, naughty boy.” Ranamon answered with a wink of her alluring ruby eye.


“I wasn’t thinking that.” he groaned, somewhat irritated with the womon’s never ending antics as he turned the doorknob’s imbedded lock.


“Of course you weren’t.”  A sarcastic tone was evident in her voice as Kai walked over to slip in the covers still dressed in his torn clothing, forgoing putting on his pajamas to avoid any more of Ranamon’s wondrously addictive yet exasperating game.


“Can we just sleep?”


Ranamon rolled to the left to allow Kai in to the bed, taking the far side of the bed as her own.  “Fine, good night.”


“Night, Ranamon.” he simply uttered as he drifted under the covers.


Kai closed his eyes, not to sleep but to think.  Understandable after the day he had gone through and how it was far from over.  The teen rolled on to his side towards his digimon and pictured her in his mind.  (“Ranamon, damn she’s a puzzle and yet I love her.  Still I’m also her tamer, does that mean we have some destiny to save the world like the rest.  The D-Reaper’s gone, that’s all everyone talked about three months ago, but with MegaSeadramon does that mean there are still others out there?  I really need to get in touch with the rest of them, see if anything’s been going on in the mainland and find out more about this tamer thing.  Things are certainly going to be interesting with her around, that’s for sure.”)


For a while, hours in fact, Kai lay awake in thought for a variety of reasons which were all centered on Ranamon until he unknowingly drifted into sleep.  Little did he know that Ranamon was still awake, her peaceful breathing being a good guise.  She too was in thought, but about different matters.  (“Hmmm, I wonder if Kai is dreaming about me?  He’s so cute when he sleeps.  Oh, I wish I could sleep like him, but after all of that’s been goin’ on I still have energy to burn.  Maybe I should wake him up.”) thought Ranamon, her playful nature kicking into overdrive again.


“Hey Kai, you awake?”


No response came from the tamer, not even a stir.  Not giving up however, Ranamon tried again with a shout.  “Hey Kai, you awake?!”


The boy jumped up, not expecting such a loud noise.  His tired body screamed at him as it awoke with his groggy mind, “C’mon, at least let me sleep before you start this again.”


“Sorry, but I can’t sleep and I just wanted someone to talk to.”


“Ugghh, whatever.  I understand, so what’s there to talk about?” sighed Kai as he knew he probably wasn’t going to be able to return to his slumber.


“Hmmm, say are there any other, you know “partners” out there?”


A large yawn was let loose by Kai as he begun telling of the ones he knew though he was only aware of so much from the adventure against Memphismon.  “…but yeah, there are others out there.  Maybe someday we can meet them.  Now can I please sleep?”


“Nope.  I’m not tired.”


“Sheesh, then how can I help you get rid of all that energy?” Kai asked, wishing to get some sleep before taking on the morning.


“Well, there is one way.”


The teen was open to all suggestions as he wished to return to his dreams.  “Okay, spill it.”


“We could…have sex.” Ranamon quickly answered before anxiously awaiting Kai’s response.


Kai was wide awake now, the statement almost unbelievable, such that he thought he had misheard the womon.  “Wha, wha, what?”


“C’mon, aren’t you just a little curious?” Ranamon traced one of slick, dainty fingers under Kai’s chin as she spoke seductively, sending a quiver through the human’s body.


“But…but why would you want to do that with me?”


“Well we already know how we feel about each other and besides it might just bring us closer as a team.”


In truth, Kai, like most teen going through puberty was curious about the enigma known as sex.  His bashfulness was at the moment clashing with said curiosity however, all centered around the gorgeous girl he loved.  “Maybe, but I…”


“Oh, I get it now.  You’re a virgin.”


“Yeah.” Kai uttered with a sense of embarrassment of that fact being unveiled.


A toothy grin was beamed from the cute digimon as she whispered in his ear.  “Well then, we’re goin’ to have to something about that.”


Kai’s heart was beating with a furious tempo, the teen anxious about what might happen as he had only masturbated in the past.  “Ranamon I…”


“Shhhh, just relax and let me take care of things.” she said quietly as she put her finger to Kai lips, quieting her tamer.


Nervous tremors were going through his body as well as waves of excitement over what Ranamon was planning to do.  She started by tearing off his already tattered white shirt from when he was out at sea earlier.  “Mmmm, my very own Kai-sickle, let me get a taste.”


Kai sunk back into the mattress as Ranamon hovered over him, moving her head down towards his thin body, the brown-hair still growing muscle.  With a lick of her lips, the digimon let loose her tongue and made contact with the middle of Kai’s chest, the boy’s face now flinching.  Shivers of addictive rhapsody pulsed through his body, the wet muscle almost tickling the vulnerable, smooth skin.  It had a rubbery taste for Ranamon, but the pleased expression on her tamer’s face was all the motivation she needed.  She kissed and caressed the skin making circles going further south, exciting the nerves along the way.  Eventually she made her way to his belly button which she stroked with her tongue cleaning out the nook and forcing out a string of laughs from the fisherman.  Kai’s body quaked as he felt her pink snake move from his belly to his waist, the tattered brown shorts and blue boxers promptly ripped away to expose his crotch.  There was some pubic hair nesting above his phallus, half-erect after all of the sensations.  Ranamon’s ruby eyes looked at the sexual organ with wonder as she lowered her warm maw towards the cock, breathing hot air on the meat.  Kai let out a pant as he painfully waited for his digimon to do something, the girl teasing him with her warm breath.  He clenched his teeth as he tired to resist humping into Ranamon’s face, his member growing more erect with each puff of air.  Ranamon nearly chuckled as she decided Kai had suffered enough and she fully lowered herself to her stiff meat stick, opening her mouth to the six inch phallus.  The teen took a deep breath as the beautiful champion closed his mouth around his penis, the orifice sending a spark of delight through him.  That spark quickly grew however as Ranamon starting using her tongue to swirl about his rod, almost like a professional.  He grunted in pleasure as he was washed over by troughs of bliss, sweat forming on his brow.  “Gods…quit teasing.” he begged, his virgin rod screaming for release as Ranamon only lightly stroked the organ with her slick muscle.


A wink was all Kai received, signifying she understood.  At once his pulsating cock was immediately showered with a new rush of pleasure for Ranamon was now sucking his dick along with licking at the head, coaxing out some of his warm pre.  Her mouth crept about full length, encompassing the prick in slick, warm euphoria, the feel of the tongue and orifice heavenly.  It only got better for the heaving human as Ranamon used her slick hand to caress his balls, adding the fire coursing through his body.  This went on for a minute as Kai’s naked body became coated in sweat droplets, the hammering in his heart reaching its peak.  With on last groan of “Fuuccckkkk!” and an instinctual hump, the tamer unleashed his load, spraying strands of salty white cum in the womon’s mouth.  She greedily accepted as savored the hot seed, admiring the exotic taste of sex it held.  Ranamon probed about the sides of the young man’s cock, making sure to get every drop of essence before she removed her lips from the saliva drenched pole, becoming less erect from being emptied.  Kai could barely believe what had just happened, the blowjob leaving him panting in exhaustion.  “Damn, that was intense.”


“And tasty too.  I hope you do just as well.”


“Huh?” Kai said from his afterglow, his mind somewhat in a stupor.


“Silly, this is an equal partnership, that means you’re getting my legs or there’s going to trouble.”


She shook her finger at him as she made her threat, though her mischievous tone showed no sign of danger.  The teen groaned as he started to get up, his body wanting to sleep away, but his heart telling him to give Ranamon her deserved turn.  “Alright, lay down and I’ll try my best.”


“Don’t worry, you’ll do fine.  I’ll let you know if I want somethin’ extra.”


Kai nodded his head lazily as he made room for Ranamon, who spread herself across the bed, most of her bluish grey armor still on with the exception of her helmet which had been taken off to let loose her hair.  The teen, inexperienced at pleasuring a girl only had rumors to rely on so he decided to take a similar method with Ranamon as he tried to unclip her shapely body armor.  Eventually he found a pair of clips on the shoulders as a pair on each side of the abdomen.  A light pink spread across the aqua maiden’s cheeks as she felt Kai throw aside the main part of her armor, leaving her in only her gauntlets as her attire had no shoes.  Soon enough, Kai slipped off the ruby adorned gloves, leaving her as exposed as he, each in their birthday suits and crimsoning.  Ranamon was indeed drop dead gorgeous, looking just like an eighteen-year old or so woman besides her smoothly scaled body of sea green and her set of webbed ears, hands, and feet.  Kai didn’t care though, the differences making her seem even more addictively lovely and exotic like her ruby eyes and dark green hair of shoulder length.  He looked across her thin, hourglass shape wondering how such a goddess could exist.  Ranamon on the other hand, had enough seeing and wanted more touching as she asked, “Ready?  I’m waiting.”


An affirming response from Kai signaled his start as he leaned down to her chest, home of two C-cup breasts, which Kai flicked at with his tongue.  He marveled at the smooth texture of her scaly skin, not an imperfection in sight.  Ranamon shuddered as Kai tasted her melon, though she personally wanted something else.  “Kai, could ya suck on it please.”


Apparently he heard the digimon’s request as he changed his method, now latching his mouth about the nipple area, hardening the rosy circle with his tepid orifice.  Ranamon saw she was still going to have to coach Kai as she advised, “’Kay, now use your hand and squeeze my other breast.”


With his free right hand, Kai advanced for the free mound, feeling the squishy tit and sending a round of gasps from her lips.  The stimulation inspired her other nipple to harden as the human caressed and sucked her supple rack.  Kai however knew he had do more than pleasure her cleavage as he went downwards, mimicking Ranamon by kissing and tasting the skin along the way.  Satisfaction was painted all over her face as she felt the skin about her bellybutton being stroked, the digimon barely stifling the laughter.  The expression on her face though was proof enough Kai was doing a fine job thus far.  After giving enough focus to her taut stomach, Kai continued with a downward trial of tasting her skin, passing the waistline.  Though Ranamon had a head of beautiful shoulder-length hair, her nether regions were completely bald, not a follicle to hinder the view of her bare cunt.  The champion was growing hornier by the second, Kai’s pink snake driving her desire ever higher.  Before Kai touched the outer lips though, the boy wanted to ensure she was fine with this.  “Ranamon, are you ready?”


“What do you think?” she quipped, though in a way glad he was concerned about her.


Kai understood what Ranamon meant as he started munching the digimon’s carpet, using his tongue to prod and stroke her pussy lips.  The digital maiden moaned with delight as a flash of pleasure overtook her, the libido starting the rush to her head, demanding more.  The scent of her arousal reached Kai’s nostrils, filling his head with the same lust overtaking Ranamon.  Indeed the smell of sex was starting to become thick as he lapped at Ranamon cunny lips, becoming damp under the influence of the smooth tongue.  The prejuice had an overall sweet taste with some sort of fruit Kai could not put his finger on.  Regardless, the addictive taste drove him to covet more of sexual essence, his tongue now going further by snaking through Ranamon’s labia.  Gasps and sounds of satisfaction filled the bedroom, the sexy womon obviously enjoying the attention she was receiving, it being a while since the last time she had done anything raunchy like this.  (“Not bad, for a beginner.”) Ranamon observed, as she shivered under the feel of Kai rubbing her inner walls.


Words were difficult for the blushing digimon as she stuttered, “…Good…now deeper and…and rub my clit.”


Observing the crotch in front of him he searched until he found the nub he was looking for, figuring it to be her love button.  As he thrusted his swirling tongue further down her canal, his hand went for the untouched bulb.  He used his index finger and grazed the hypersensitive organ with his smooth skin, driving bolts of pure rapture through his digimon’s body.  “Gawds, that’s it!  Eat me, rub me!” she cried in lust, the dual pleasure sending her to new levels of ecstasy.


Ranamon was squirming with joy as she felt her vaginal walls spread from the pink snake slithering further down her hot box, Kai deeply munching her carpet.  The scent and taste of her heat became more evident to the teen as he lapped more and more of the warm prejuices, his muscle fully buried in her slick tunnel.  His digimon’s cries and moans of desire were music to his ears, the young angler happy his pussy-eating and clit rubbing were making her feel such pleasure.  He continued this treatment for some time, breathing through his nose the thick musky scent as Ranamon’s felt her heart beat ever faster with each lick and each flick of her nub.  Sweat ran down her slick, sea green colored body, the blushing turning a marvelous shade of pinkish red from the tension.  The libido in her body was controlling her actions now as instincts took effect, her hips starting humping Kai’s face.  Her primal desires were unleashed as she drove the tongue in further, Kai trying to keep up with the gyrating crotch.  The rhythm of her breathing became erratic, her finale on the horizon.  In fact…


“Ohhh, here I cummm!!!” she nearly shrieked as she pressed her cavity upwards, unleashing her orgasm all over Kai’s face.


With that she fell back with a sequence of pants, her body and breathing in exhaustion.  In the meantime, Kai was tasting the new load of girlcum now in his mouth, the exotic, sweet taste being the grandest of juices.  His tongue reveled from the colorful favor dancing in his mouth as he guzzled the essence and licked his lips to slurp the remainder.  Releasing his treat was gone, Kai looked down at the pleased looking Ranamon and asked, “So, how was that?”


“Excellent, but we’re just getting’ started.” Ranamon announced, her horny body still desiring more.


Kai was a little clueless as he had assumed they were only having oral sex.  “Huh?  What are you talking about?”


“Oh I may look tired, but I still have energy to burn.  We’re goin’ all the way.”


The champion’s declaration shook Kai up a little as he blurted out, “Whoa, uh…damn you’re…wow.”


“Yeah, I’ve been naughty Kai, I think you need to punish me.”


Ranamon winked at Kai as she spoke in that seductive tone again, arousing Kai’s dick with her dirty words, coaxing the human’s lust with her own.  However, Kai wanted to reaffirm he was correct before taking action.  “Do you mean?”


A positive shake of Ranamon’s head answered his question, the sexy womon spreading her legs, her inner thighs and outer lips drenched with her sex juice.  Anxious drums of the heart and short breaths followed from the human, a little nervous about losing his virginity though his body’s instincts were still in full force as his cock reawakened for another round, filling with blood and reaching its full length.  His chocolate colored orbs looked into his love’s ruby eyes for inspiration as he was nervous, but in the end Kai wanted to share with Ranamon the purest act of pleasure and love.  He held Ranamon by the shoulders as he adjusted his hips, thankful that they were about the same size and thus making the task easier.  Ranamon had a lustful smile across her features as she felt her lover hold her down to the soft mattress below, eager to be fucked by the human as chills ran through her skin by his touch.  Kai’s saliva coated meat was now hovering over the recently climaxed pussy, almost beckoning him to enter.  She flinched as the electric feel of the cock head grazed her inner thigh, probing at her entrance.  Kai was about to plow into the digital cavity, but his concern for Ranamon made him stop to say, “Ranamon…”


“Yes already, go for it.  Fuck me now.” she interrupted with a clear command, tearing away the last precaution for Kai.


The teen gulped as he took the leap of faith and lowered his dick, the mushroom head spreading apart the folds of her snatch to her rosy love hole.  Both hissed as the sensation of their privates took hold, each melting as their smooth skin met.  Kai’s rock hard dick was having the time of its life as it pushed aside the tight walls of the passage, massaged by the warm, moist orifice.  Beastly urges were running rampant in her mind as she shouted, “Yes, yes!  Ooooh Kai, fuck me hard!  Make me cum!”


In truth, that was what Kai want to do as he buried his rigid member further into the encompassing cunt.  They grunted together with rapture as they leaned their lips together for a furious kiss, all the while Kai lowered his prick little by little.  The slick grinding was nearly beyond words, their friction giving each unbridled joy.  Indeed, they were coming closer in body and soul with each passing second, neither regretting their choice to mate.  Both were beginning to produce their respective precum, Ranamon’s smooth innards becoming wetter as Kai reached his meat stick’s limit, pre dribbling from the piss hole.  As he reached his six-inch maximum though, a perplexing thought crossed his mind considering what he had heard about sex.  He broke their passionate and lustful lip lock to ask, “Ranamon, don’t you have a wall or cherry?”


“Heh, well I’ve been around.  Don’t worry about that, just keep going.”


Kai felt a twinge of disappointment as he wanted to be Ranamon’s first, but considering the blowjob she had given earlier, he figured it made sense.  He continued though as he wanted to pleasure the water nymph he loved and of course get off himself.  Knowing what to do next, the teen lifted his pelvis area, dragging his hard penis along the clenching pussy muscles.  Ranamon let out a moan of approval as she felt him raise the phallus still it was only an inch inside her womanhood.  She tried to anticipate the thrust ahead, but still groaned as Kai impaled her cervix with his pride.  The two clinched their teeth as they joined in a mixture of sexual grunts as Kai rhythmically humped Ranamon’s sweet honey hole.  Surrounding them was an air of pheromones and sex, as addictive and intoxicating as their lovemaking.  Sweat was trickling over their bodies, the moonlight through the window casting a silver glow across their skin.  Both wished the pumping could last forever, the sensation unbeatable, but both knew it could not last.  And so driven by primal instinct, Kai started drilling Ranamon’s tight cunny, new endurance coming from his desire to explode inside her enthralling womb.  Ranamon as well desired the human to screw her entirely, wanting as much cock as possible.  The sensations bubbled from their bellies straight to their quickened hearts, both reaching for another fiery kiss, each trying to force the other closer.  Involuntarily, the two on instinct slapped their hips together, pressing the dick and twat back and forth at an erratic pace.  Truly they were happy fate had brought them together as their fire grew to a feverish pitch, their desire for release almost becoming maddening.  Their minds had lost almost all coherent thought, the two now fucking like animals, the duo bouncing on the bed as they moaned into each other’s mouth.  By this time they were frenching, their tongues dancing together, tasting each other hungrily from the troughs of pure passion.  It was all overwhelming.  Each couldn’t take anymore pleasure as Ranamon was the first to orgasm from the more recent eating out Kai had given her.  She practically growled in his mouth as she had her second climax of the evening, drenching and clinching Kai’s cock as she made one from push upwards.  This was all Kai needed as his shaft exploded nearly seconds later, his hot white seed mixing with Ranamon’s sweet juices.  He nearly roared as well in animalistic satisfaction as he made his final push, lying still atop of his gorgeous digimon.  Fortunately, they had no need to worry about pregnancy for his human sperm could not be accepted by her digital eggs.  Not that either was thinking of that at the moment.  Indeed, they were now just panting in relief as they felt the intense sensations leave their body, replaced instead by a soothing afterglow.  A warm aura now spread across their naked bodies as they felt the other’s heartbeat, neither saying a word for a few moments.  Only the sounds of their peaceful breathing filled the room as Kai, no longer a virgin, said, “You are amazing.  I feel like I’m on top of the world with you.”


“And you’re amazing too, lover.  Remind me to thank whoever’s in charge of pairing us up.”


“Yeah, I wonder…” Kai started before he yawned, the fisherman exhausted for obvious reasons.


“Eh, who cares as long we’re together?  Mind gettin’ the blanket?”


“No problem, night Rana.” he answered lazily as he grabbed the blue blanket that had been pushed aside and draped their bodies under its comforting veil.


“Night, Kai.” the lovely digimon replied in a groggy tone from below as they maintained their position, Kai lying atop her body with his limp manhood still lingering in her soaked hot box.


Drained of their energy and comforted by their combined heat, the duo drifted off into a tranquil slumber as the stars twinkled across the night skies outside.  Kai was the first as he passed into the realm of dreams after one last thought, (“Ranamon, what a crazy, wonderful girl.  This is going to be one interesting summer with her around.”)


Ranamon was about to follow suit as she made her own final though, (“Kai, what a strange, lovely creature.  I hope we can stay like this forever.”)


The room fell nearly silent as only the sound of their light breathing played in the background.  Each was purely content as they slept as partners and lovers, stepping across nearly every boundary without regret as long as they had the other.


The End